Lady Maria was one of Gehrman's first students. She is a distant descendant of Annalise, Queen of the Vile bloods, and wields the Rakuyo. Maria was among the first hunters, all students of Gehrman. She came from Cainhurst and was a distant relative to Annalise, the queen of Cainhurst. Maria was a skilled warrior. Wielding her beloved Rakuyo ('Lucky' in Japanese) a trick sword forged in her home of Cainhurst, Maria fought with great dexterity, relying on skill rather than the blood blades of the Cainhurst nobles. Maria frowned upon blood blades and their use, standing in contrast to those around her. Perhaps this was because the blood blades eat away at the wielder's very essence, or perhaps for other reasons unknown, Maria honed her skill over the blood arts of the Cainhurst nobles. This pursuit of skill may have been what drew her to Gehrman in the first place. Maria had great admiration for Gehrman, a man who worked alongside Provost Willem and his associates at Byrgenwerth. Gehrman's combat style emphasized speed and must have struck a chord with Maria. Despite her noble heritage, Maria became a student of Gehrman, and one of the first hunters. Her gear was crafted in Cainhurst, but her battle prowess grew alongside Gehrman's.
Credit Character Design: 株式会社フロム・ソフトウェア