

Atemia's origins lay in the realm of the divine energies. She emerged from the radiant essence of creation

Project Info

Once upon a time, in a world far removed from our own, there existed a land filled with mythical creatures, powerful sorcerers, and epic tales of bravery and adventure. This was the land of Eldranor, the last remaining fantasy.
For centuries, Eldranor had been a place of wonder and enchantment, where elves, dwarves, and humans lived in harmony with dragons, unicorns, and griffins. The land was ruled by a wise and just king, who governed with the help of a council made up of representatives from each of the kingdom's many races.
But as time passed, the people of Eldranor began to grow complacent. They forgot the dangers that had once threatened their land and the sacrifices that had been made to ensure their safety. They began to take their peaceful existence for granted, and the once-great kingdom began to fall into disarray.
It was during this time of decline that a dark and sinister force began to gather strength in the farthest reaches of Eldranor. A powerful sorcerer, known only as the Dark One, had been plotting and scheming for centuries, seeking to gain control of the kingdom and enslave its people.